Nov 17, 2009

Is it possible to make cola/ soda ice cream at home?

One question I get quite often is whether it is possible to make a cola-based ice cream that would have a fizzy buzz accompanied by a full-bodied flavour and texture. Kind of like having an ice cream float but with more cola and less float but still creamy and rich.

Well, to find out, I waddled through some recipes from books. And here is one recipe for a cola ice cream I found (it is touted as being a hit with kids):
200g sugar
250ml milk
250ml cream
One can of soda

Yup. It is that simple. That's it. (But of course, there's always more to the story.)

According to the recipe, all you have to do is to pour the sugar and milk into a pot, heat it until the sugar melts and let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes to rid it of some moisture.

When the mixture has cooled, add one can of soda and whipping cream, leave it to freeze and hand churn it (or use an ice cream maker) and you are on your way to cola ice cream glory.

Wait a minute... This doesn't make sense. One thing that caught my eye is that there are no eggs in the recipe to act as an emulsifier to bind all that liquid and fat together.

So the only way to find out whether this recipe - touted as a hit with kids - works, I tried it out.

And what did I discover?

The supposed soda ice cream belongs to the category of Epic Fail. And here's why:
- The soda is too mild and is covered by the taste of cream
- The ice cream is too icy due to too much liquid
- There is no way you can scoop this mess into a ball of scoopable ice cream, so it practically failed the "scoopable-ice-cream-test"
- This is way too diabetes-inducing
- And if it is a hit with kids, kids have bad taste and you shouldn't trust children to make good chefs

Moral of the story: Not all recipe books for ice cream works. Book writers are also book sellers. They just want you to part with some of your money. And any recipe that just wants you to make ice cream without some form of emulsifier is just pulling your leg. You'll be glad to produce something that half resembles a mangled sorbet.

Epic fail.

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