Apr 16, 2010

An (embarrassing) attempt at baking a tart: With ice cream to top it of, of course

What do you do with a crummy oven toaster? Well, you learn how to make the best out of it. Turn it on and let it heat up for 10 minutes. You are on your way to baking your first "thing".

In a stainless steel bowl, mix
- 85g of finely crushed digestive biscuits,
- 35g of unsalted butter,
- about half tablespoon of flour and
- half tablespoon of fine sugar.

Mix until consistency is like moist cement. Spread out in a round pie foil type of things if you have one (which I obviously don't have so I make do with one of those rectangular type things as pictured below) and proceed to bake for 10 minutes in my trusted toaster oven.

After 10 minutes of baking, smear some of that funky yellow custard stuff on top of the digestive crust. Well, that funky yellow custard stuff is made of
-1 egg yolk,
- 75g of condensed milk and
- juice from 2 limes.

Basically combine the yolk, condensed milk and lime juice together, mix furiously and pour over your nicely baked digestive crust. Dump in oven for about 1o to 12 more minutes of full on heat, and what you see is something like that above.

As I am no Anthony Bourdain, what eventually comes out is not going to earn me a Michelin Star. But as usual, make the best out of it and slice the whole rectangular baked funky crusty thing and think of a nice way to present it.

I know! I'll dump some homemade mango ice cream and feed it to anyone who is unsuspecting!


  1. How do you make mango ice cream?!

  2. Simple! Will be putting up a post about it shortly! Maybe a couple of days' time...
